Welcome to the Discordian Society Restoration! FNORD! My name is Reverend Judas Imok, and I'm an avid Discordian. Now I've been on the internet for quite some time and I've always seen pages of new Sects, and/or Cabals of Discordianism. I've only seen two pages based on the begining of it all, and they're not even Homepages, they're simply webpages thrown out there. What I intend to accomplish is to bring back to light the Original Discordian Society. I want to go back to Principia Discordia, look at it and say "Mal-2, is the thought of a Unicorn a real thought?" After I read the BOOK, I searched for pages about the P.o.E.E., and it was non-existant. Now, all I really want to do is get pages, to see this page, and hopefully add my page to theirs, and I will do the same, then the Discordian Society, will basically be what it was supposed to be originally, the root of Discordian Cabals/Sects. Now do not think I claim to have originated this, I'm just bringing it back into the light. One more thing... where are all these fnords people keep talking about. I've never seen one! Get Over it DAMN IT! THEY DON"T EXIST!!!
This Site is a member of the Ring of Fnords, the only Discordian CyberCabal on
the WWW.
Kid Tested...
This page was last updated Pungent-Day, 52 day of Confusion, 3164 A.D.(Anno Discordia)
and for all you cabbages out there, July 17, 1998 and is continually under-construction.
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